# API usage

Note that it is not possible to call the API from a web browser. You must do it on the server due to CORS restrictions. This is good for you because it forces you to keep your API token a secret; if Browserboard allowed API requests from web browsers, users would be able to trivially discover your private API token.

# Authenticating

For each request you make to the Browserboard API, pass a header Authorization=Token $YOUR_TOKEN.

# Example

You can see a complete example of creating a whiteboard in this node.js example (opens new window). Feel free to write in and request additional examples.

# Creating a whiteboard

Creating a whiteboard and constructing its URL is a two-step process.

  1. Make a POST request to /api/1.0/whiteboards/ with the name parameter. Store the response and extract the wbid field.
  2. Make a GET request to /api/1.0/whiteboards/<wbid>/access_keys. Use the approprate URL from the share_urls dictionary.

# Reference

# /api/1.0/whiteboards/

  • GET: list all whiteboards
  • POST: create a new whiteboard
    • name: Name of the new whiteboard

# /api/1.0/whiteboards/<wbid>

  • GET: list details for one whiteboard
  • PUT: update a whiteboard
    • name: Name of the new whiteboard

# /api/1.0/whiteboards/<wbid>/access_keys

  • GET: list access keys and all share URLs for one whiteboard

# /api/1.0/whiteboards/<wbid>/copy_from_template

  • POST: Copy another board's events into this board. Must include template_id in POST body. You must be the owner of both boards. template_id: wbid of the whiteboard to copy from.

# Output of the node.js example

> npm install
> node examples/node.js $API_TOKEN "Demo whiteboard"
  "name": "Demo whiteboard",
  "is_template": false,
  "wbid": "...",
  "t_created": "2021-10-19T23:08:26.205543Z",
  "t_updated": "2021-10-19T23:08:26.205551Z",
  "thumbnail_url": null,
  "absolute_url": "/whiteboard/..."
  "access_keys": {
    "view": "...",
    "contribute": "...",
    "admin": "..."
  "share_urls": {
    "view": "https://browserboard.com/whiteboard/...?access_key=...",
    "contribute": "https://browserboard.com/whiteboard/...?access_key=...",
    "admin": "https://browserboard.com/whiteboard/...?access_key=..."
  "board": {
    "name": "Demo whiteboard",
    "is_template": false,
    "wbid": "...",
    "t_created": "2021-10-19T23:08:26.205543Z",
    "t_updated": "2021-10-19T23:08:26.205551Z",
    "thumbnail_url": null,
    "absolute_url": "/whiteboard/..."
  "shareURLs": {
    "view": "https://browserboard.com/whiteboard/...?access_key=...",
    "contribute": "https://browserboard.com/whiteboard/...?access_key=...",
    "admin": "https://browserboard.com/whiteboard/...?access_key=..."